Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

WIA-Europe General Assembly 2015 on June 22nd in Munich

All WIA-Europe members are invited to this year’s General Assembly of Women in Aerospace Europe.

It will be held on June 22, 2015, 16:00 at OHB Süd, Wofratshauser Str. 48 in Munich, Germany.
The General Assembly will be followed by a speech by OHB board member Dr. Fritz Merkle and a networking reception.

If you want to attend our General Assembly and/or the reception afterwards, please register by sending an e-mail to info@wia-europe.org before June 15th.

The following documents can be supplied to WIA-Europe members upon request to info@wia-europe.org:
– Agenda of the General Assembly 2015
– Draft Minutes of Meeting of the General Assembly 2014
– Proposal for new board of directors

Important information
Due to security reasons you are required:
– To register before via the above mentioned procedure
– To take a valid ID with you on June 22nd

Members in good standing who are unable to attend are invited to appoint proxies and notify these to the Executive Director in advance (email to executive.director@wia-europe.org).

We look forward to welcoming you on June 22nd in Munich! If you are interested in having dinner with other aerospace professionals after the reception, consider joining the Munich Space Dinner on the same night.

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