Hosted by the German Aerospace Centre DLR WIA-Europe held a networking breakfast at the Paris Airshow in Le Bourget on Tuesday, June 16th 2015. After a cordial welcome of more than 40 participants by WIA-E Director for International Relations, Andrea Boese, Johann-Dietrich Wörner, Chair of the DLR Executive Board and future ESA Director General, gave a charismatic speech on the need for women’s intellectual power to contribute to the solution of aerospace problems of today and the future. Participants from several WIA-Europe distinguished corporate member organisations, such as Airbus DS, OHB, ESA, Thales Alenia and DLR, used the opportunity to exchange with colleagues in the relaxed and stimulating atmosphere of the DLR booth. Also leaders of WIA-Canada, including WIA-Canada President Valerie Wilson joined the event and had fruitful discussions with WIA-Europe.

WIA-Europe welcomes new Non-Profit Corporate Member IAAC (Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia)
WIA-Europe would like to welcome Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) to the organisation as a Non-Profit Corporate Member!