The WIA-Europe General Assembly was held in Paris at the CNES HQ on Tuesday 20 June.
The assembly approved and appointed:
- President: Luisella Giulicchi. Luisella will lead our organization with vision and perspective. She has professionally managed the Board of Directors (BoD) in this year and she will continue to act ad interim as Chair.
- Honorary Chair: Claudia Kessler. Simonetta and Claudia, as founders of WIA-E, both maintain as Honorary the role they fulfilled when created the WIA-Europe organization, and they always continue with their enthusiasm and passion to support the BoD for the growing of the organization.
- Director of Research: Paola Belingheri. Paola also mantains, ad interim, the role of Director of membership.
and further confirmed
- Regional Director: Diana Pueyo. Diana has professionally lead the Local group by creating a team spirit and fruitful cooperation
All the Directors, together with the other members, expressed their congratulations for the nomination of very valid women that support on voluntary basis all the necessary activities of the organization.
All the presentations, together with the previously loaded GA documents, will be available on the members reserved area.