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ESSP SAS: European Satellite Services Provider

ESSP SAS (European Satellite Services Provider) is a European private company based in Toulouse (France) and Madrid (Spain). ESSP is an experienced and dynamic company specialized in the operations and provision of satellite-based services for aviation.

ESSP’s core activities are the operations and service provision of EGNOS, the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service. The EGNOS Service Provision contract is funded by the European Union and managed through the European GNSS Agency, with a clear mandate to help foster the use of satellite navigation within Europe and particularly in the domain of aviation. As such, ESSP manages the second largest contract in space by the European Commission.

In addition to the provision of EGNOS Services, ESSP expertise allows it to deliver new activities and projects in the fields of:

  • Consultancy Services for aviation (PBN implementation; SBAS operations, certification and service provision)
  • Provision of pan-European certified services for aviation
  • Provision of global, satellite-based Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) services for aviation

ESSP owns an Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) certificate and is under continuous oversight by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). ESSP was the first ANSP in 2010 to own a Pan-European certificate to allow cross-border delivery of Air Traffic Management services.

ESSP shareholders are 7 key European Air Navigation Service Providers:

  • Skyguide – Schweizerische Aktiengesellschaft für zivile und militärische Flugsicherung (Switzerland)
  • DFS IBS – Deutsche Flugsicherung – International Business Services (Germany)
  • DSNA – Direction des Services de la Navigation Aérienne (France)
  • AENA (Spain)
  • NATS – National Air Traffic Services (United Kingdom)
  • ENAV – L’Ente Nazionale Assistenza al Volo (Italy)
  • NAV Portugal E.P.E. – Navegação Aérea de Portugal (Portugal)

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