Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

Visibility of Female Experts

Working Group 4: Visibility of Female Experts

The acknowledgement of women as highly skilled professionals and experts, especially in traditionally male-dominated sectors, heavily depends on how they are being presented across all forms of media as well as at relevant public and professional events.

Despite a number of initiatives and best practices designed to address the current underrepresentation of female experts, the issue is still far from being resolved.

The current WIA-Europe White Paper aims to identify the main roadblocks that currently exist for women as well as media channels and conference organisers.

A working group conducted a large scale survey and detailed interviews with over 200 actors within aerospace reaching professionals, conference organisers, media experts and companies with the aim to see how we could break down barriers facing women, address the role of media and conference organisations, and review European policy to support a culture of increased visibility for women as subject matter experts in aerospace.


Find out:

  • What do journalists expect when contacting an expert?
  • Are databases of female experts actually useful?
  • How to leverage your media contacts?
  • Which best practices can be followed on both sides, media and female STEM experts, to make easy contact and increase visibility of female experts in the media?
The White Paper “Visibility Of Female STEM Experts In Media and Public Debates” contains recommendations on further initiatives to be implemented by a WIA-Europe Working Group. All WIA-Europe members are invited to join the Working Groups and contribute with their experience and expertise.

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Working Group

Anastasia Pesce / Artemis Westenberg / Cécile Deprez / Cessy Karina / Heidi Thiemann / Justyna Pelc / Leah-Nani Alconcel / Marcelle Laliberté / Rebecca Harwin / Xenia Pattberg
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