Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

Seeking new Regional Network leader in Bremen

WIA-Europe Bremen is seeking new leadership. This exciting opportunity involves collaborating with our individual and corporate members as well as other regional networks.

Role Requirements:

  • The candidate must be a WIA-Europe member in good standing, indicating both registration and payment of the membership fee.
  • The candidate should be employed by an aerospace-related organisation, company, or university, possessing a strong reputation and working knowledge within the specific national or regional aerospace community.
  • The candidate is committed to dedicating time and energy to successfully fulfil the tasks associated with the role. The candidate is prepared to coordinate and lead local activities in close cooperation with the WIA-Europe Board of Directors. Please note that certain events organised by a regional chapter may extend beyond the scope of local events and should be managed as WIA-Europe global events.
  • The candidate will act as the primary contact point for other regional chapters, assuming responsibility for keeping the Board of Directors and the WIA-Europe office informed about planned activities and outputs.
  • The candidate should possess the ability to create and leverage an extensive aerospace-related network in their city and surroundings.
  • Approval by the WIA-Europe Board of Directors is required for the candidate to assume the role of Regional Network Leader.

To summarise, be motivated, committed and qualified.

If you would like to apply for this role, please provide us with a short motivational letter  demonstrating your fulfilment of the above criteria. 

Please email your motivational letter to: executivedirector@wia-europe.org 

We look forward to receiving your application.

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