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WIA-Europe General Assembly

22 June 2015 the WIA-Europe Board of Directors met for their regular Board meeting followed by the annual WIA-Europe General Assembly in Munich hosted by OHB. During its meeting the Board thanked Anna Schubert, outgoing WIA-E Board Secretary, who unfortunately could not be present and Maria Cristina Falvella, outgoing Director for Awards and Grants Programmes for their excellent work and great contribution to the successful development of the organization. The Board welcomed 2 incoming new Directors, Barbara Imhof and Christina Giannopapa, who were formally approved by the General Assembly with the new portfolios “Director for Corporate Identity” and “Director for Professional Development”. The Board also thanked the outgoing Director of Legal Affairs, Lesley Jane Smith, for her excellent support to WIA-Europe and at the same time welcomed her in her new function of WIA-Europe Legal Councelor.  Mark Heppener, who could unfortunately not be present, was appointed WIA-Europe Interim Secretary of the Board for a 1 year period.

The General Assembly Meeting was well attended including representatives of most of WIA-Europe’s distinguished corporate member organisations, such as Airbus Defense & Space, SES, Thales Alenia Space,  CNES, ESA, HE Space, OHB and DLR.

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