Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

2013 General Assembly

You are kindly invited to attend the next General Assembly of WIA-Europe, taking place June, 10th in Delft, the Netherlands, from 16h to 19h (precise location will be announced at a later stage). Following our General Assembly, there will be the possibility to have dinner together at a restaurant nearby and to continue our lively exchanges.

As you may know, the General Assembly will be a very important event to attend. Therefor we kindly ask you to let us know (before June 1st) if you will be able to attend on June 10th.

We would like also to inform you that a special Aerospace Women’s Day is organised the following day, in the morning of June 11th, at the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). This event is organised jointly by our regional Leiden group and by Women with Wings (TU Delft Aerospace Student Association). The goal is to bring Aerospace Professionals, Young Professionals and Students together. There is no fee, but note that the number of participants will be limited. In case you would like to participate to this event, let us know.

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