Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

Workshop for WIA-E Corporate Members – Selection and Evaluation of Leaders and Managers

To find the right employees and to promote the most promising workers is a central success factor for organisations. Especially taking into account the actual topic of skill shortages, the selection and evaluation of leaders plays a decisive role to exploit the available talent pools. Therefore the goal of this workshop is to present current research findings on the topic Selection and Evaluation of Leaders and to help the participant companies to put these findings into practice in their organisations.
A special focus of this workshop will be given to the topic of women in leadership roles as well as to gender and diversity sensitive tools for recruiting and evaluating leaders. The concepts and topics treated help to go beyond classic stereotypes of managers/leaders in general and therefore can be extrapolated and beneficial for all potential candidates (men and women).

• DATE – Feb. 4th (in Bremen) & 06th (in Munich) 2014 from 09:00 to 18:00
• LOCATION – TU-München (in Munich) & Astrium (in Bremen)
• WHO IS BEHIND? Women in Aerospace Europe is offering this workshop of the Technical University from Munich to its corporate members.
• LED BY – the workshop is led by Pr. Dr. Isabell M. Welpe , Chair of Strategy and Organisation at Technische Universität München

Want to know more? Contact training@wia-europe.org

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