Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

Hamburg Aviation WoMen “Kurzflug” (Regular’s Table)

For those of you who are temporarily in Hamburg, we would like to point to an event of the group Hamburg Aviation WoMen: There is going to be a regular’s table called “Kurzflug”, which addresses to all aviation-related and/or aviation-interested people in the area of Hamburg.

The event starts with a visit of the exhibition titled “Frauen geben der Luftfahrt Schub” at the Rathausdiele. Afterwards the group of participants is going to stop for a bite to eat at the restaurant “grill & green”.

When: Thursday March 12th 2015 at 17:30 o’clock
Where: Beginning at Rathausdiele, Rathausmarkt 1, 20095 Hamburg and afterwards Restaurant grill & green, Bleichenbrücke 9, 20354 Hamburg

For more information and for registration use this link.

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