Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

Meet the community: Lunch with WIA-E

Each Friday at 1pm CET (12pm BST) WIA-E invites you to join a virtual meet up with the community.

Bring your lunch and meet WIA-E members from all over Europe at our virtual lunch party hosted on Zoom.

One of the biggest questions a young woman asks herself after graduating at University is: what´s next? There are so many questions, and such few answers! What to do? What to choose? Which is the best option for boosting the career? What is the right path to get the dream job and feel fully realized? The Aerospace field is a very rich and international environment, and the alternatives are many. Unfortunately, not all the countries and cities offer the same possibilities. Depending on the dreams for the future and self-ambition, young women might be obliged to choose if leaving their native country or staying and eventually moving out to start working somewhere else. But what are the pros and cons of such a choice?

The aim of this Friday lunch meet up is to focus the discussion on the different perspectives of young women who decide to leave their native country to work abroad and women who decide to stay. We invite you to share the different reasons behind your choices, exchange experiences, fun facts and drawbacks, with the aim to provide support to other young women that are going to face this situation and choice very soon.

This week will be hosted by Alice Pellegrino and Alessia Gloder from LG Rome.

Access details are the same every week, but will also be sent to you as a reminder a few hours prior to the start of the meeting.

Would you like to host a lunch yourself, introduce a topic, or share expertise? Let us know!


Do you want to know more about the outcomes of this lunch? Click here to read a briefing. Enjoy!

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