Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

Meet the community: Lunch with WIA-E

Each Friday at 1pm CET (12pm BST) WIA-E invites you to join a virtual meet up with the community.

Bring your lunch and meet WIA-E members from all over Europe at our virtual lunch party hosted on Zoom.

This week’s Virtual Friday Lunch will focus on the topic “Education: could we achieve more targeting new generations?”.

WIA-E Rome Local Group members Maria Messina and Aloisia Russo will introduce current and future space educational activities, and discuss with you how WIA-E could possibly contribute to closing the current STEM gender gap in education.

One of the main reasons for the presence of the STEM gender gap is due to the young people’s loss of interest around age of 12. Can we raise awareness in them thanks to focused educational activities? Can each one of us contribute individually?

WIA-E Rome LG members actively involved in Space Education will share with you their experience and the overview of current and future space educational activities. We will introduce educational projects and the reaction of young people to this new type of educational involvement.

We also would like to hear from you: Which is the role of space educational activities in your country? What can we do for SDG4? And how can the WIA-E community actively contribute to this matter?

Feel free to share your projects, ideas, and questions prior to the event as well as in the chat on Friday.

Access details are the same every week, but will also be sent to you as a reminder a few hours prior to the start of the meeting.

Would you like to host a lunch yourself, introduce a topic, or share expertise? Let us know!

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