Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

WIA-E Madrid: Lift off your space career

Coming Saturday, 25/06/2022, our mate from WIA-E Madrid Belén Martín will participate in the event “Lift off your space career”, organized by Space Generation Advisory Council, at the Instituto de Ingeniería de España in Madrid.

The event is intended for university students, young professionals (aged 18-35 years) and guest speakers from the space industry, space agencies, space non-governmental organizations and research laboratories. The purpose of the event is to gather together people who are passionate about space coming from different backgrounds to enhance interdisciplinary professional networks and exchange of ideas regarding the future of the space field.

The main theme for this year is “Spanish Space Sector: New Actors, Organizations and Opportunities”.

Belén is the Head of the Commercial Satellite Control Centres Division in the Satellite Mission and Control Business Unit at GMV. She will participate as Keynote speaker with the talk “Learning to unlearn”, sharing her experience along her professional career, highlighting the importance of accepting and adapting to changes.

More info >>HERE

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