Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

Webinar: Reflect, Refocus, and Recharge

Join WIA Europe UK for this highly interactive mid-year review of your professional goals for 2023 by Gabriella Goddard

Reflect, Refocus, and Recharge

First, we’ll reflect on your achievements so far this year. Next, we’ll use the brainsparker app to brainstorm on aspirations and goals that inspire and excite you. Then we’ll prioritize and create action strategies to set yourself up for success for the rest of the year. We’ll also explore why it’s important to not just focus on the destination, but to also pay attention to the journey!

Gabriella Goddard is the Coaching Director at the Space Leadership Academy with 20+ years of international experience in Executive Coaching and Leadership Development. She is an alumni of the International Space University and a Leadership Instructor for Space Foundation University. She regularly writes articles on leadership and innovation for Forbes and is the creator of the brainsparker app, one of the top creativity apps worldwide.

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