Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

Trailblazing Women: Shaping the Future of Remote Sensing, Ocean, and Hydrology Science


On 3 September, Women in Aerospace Europe (WIA-Europe) hosted a roundtable discussion with distinguished leaders in remote sensing and oceanography as part of the “30 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry” Symposium at Le Corum in Montpellier, France.

Moderated by Luisella Giulicchi, President of WIA-Europe and ESA Copernicus System Manager, the session brought together experts to explore the present and future of remote sensing in ocean and hydrology science—a critical aspect of Earth’s climate monitoring.

Panelists Inclusded:

The discussion spanned advancements in altimetry, the role of Space Agencies, and the challenges of communicating climate change, particularly sea-level rise. Panellists also reflected on how organisations like WIA-Europe can continue supporting and advancing women in aerospace and STEM fields. 

We are grateful for the insights shared and look forward to continuing the conversation around fostering diversity and excellence in science and engineering.

This roundtable was the first of a series of events that WIA-Europe will continue to host, aimed at giving visibility to women experts in various STEM fields.

Next Trailblazer series event:

Round Table – Women Trailblazers: the present and the future of Remote Sensing Cryosphere Science and Engineering, 26th September.  More information will be published soon!

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