Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

LUISS Business School

In an increasingly interconnected and volatile business world, the logics of competition are constantly rewired with immediate effects on airlines, airports, manufacturers and suppliers, and other actors involved in the aviation field. In such an uncertain and competitive landscape, the Aviation MBA is designed to provide the necessary skills to face the new challenges that the future managers of the industry will need to tackle. In order to provide AMBA students with the most up-to-date and concrete tools, the AMBA faculty is composed by a balanced mix of professionals and academic professors coming from leading aviation companies and internationally recognized Universities.

The 6th edition of the Aviation MBA will begin in November 2014 and will last 12 months. It will be held in Rome (Italy) and will be entirely taught in English.

The programme is divided into preparatory courses, core courses and specialization courses (i.e. related to the aviation business). The Aviation MBA curriculum is also enriched with other complementary activities such as the international exchange programme and LUISS AdVenture (aimed at developing the entrepreneurial skills of the Aviation MBA students). The final part of the programme is devoted to the field project where students will be required to apply the business and managerial skills and tools acquired throughout the Aviation MBA course. This out-of-the class experience allows students to put their knowledge in practice.

LUISS Business School is proud to offer the following discounts to WIA-E members who meet the academic requirements for and are admitted to its Aviation MBA:
40% discount on the total fee for WIA-E membrers
20% discount for individuals introduced by WIA-E members

WIA-E applicants who wish to qualify for these discounts must indicate in their application that they are WIA-E members. LUISS Business School will confirm with WIA-E that the applicant is a member in good standing (has properly registered and has paid the membership fee for the year).

For more info see: www.lbs.luiss.it

Or contact:
LUISS Business School International Area
Viale Pola, 12 – 00198 Rome – Italy
t +39 06 85 22 2306 / 5319
f +39 06 85 22 2308

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