Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

Author name: Admin

Creating a company – Why not?!

What: Creating a company – Why not?! (panel discussion) When: July 17th 2013 – from 19:00 to 21:00 Where: Bayerischen Wirtschaftsministerium in Munich How to register: send an email to lena.klemm@anwendungszentrum.de. You will then get a confirmation Language: German Further information can be found in the flyer below (in German). Einladung.pdf

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Celebration in Bremen of the 50th Anniversary of the First Woman in Space

Join WIA-Europe in Bremen for an after-work-cocktail to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Valentina Tereshkova’s flight around earth – the first woman in space! Special offer of the evening will be a Cosmopolitain for 4€ during the whole evening, also after happy hour. When: June 18th 2013, 7 p.m. Where: Studios Lounge, Auf den Höfen,

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Aerospace Women’s Day

On 11 June WIA and the VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ will organize an ‘Aerospace Women’s Day’. It is a special day organized for female aerospace (young) professionals in the aerospace industry and aerospace students. The congress will have the theme ‘Bridging the gap: from student to professional’. Lectures and workshops will provide you with insight

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2013 General Assembly

You are kindly invited to attend the next General Assembly of WIA-Europe, taking place June, 10th in Delft, the Netherlands, from 16h to 19h (precise location will be announced at a later stage). Following our General Assembly, there will be the possibility to have dinner together at a restaurant nearby and to continue our lively

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Women & Work 2013

When? The event is planned from 10:00 until 18:00 (entree starts at 09:30). Where are we? You find all the details on how to get there under the link here. And the link to the public transport webpage is here. We are located in the Karriere & Leadership Lounge – Stand # KLL 68. You will find

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Brussels Space Policy Round Table: Cooperation vs. Competition in Space Activities

When: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 Where: Rue de la Science 14B, 1040 Brussels   In the past decade, the number of space faring states has been continuously increasing and there are more on the horizon that aspire to become actors in the space arena. Space activities are no longer exclusive to the big players (USA,

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