Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

Author name: Heidi Thiemann

WIA-Europe Rome: Aperitif with @spacexenia: what is personal branding and how does it shape our lives?

The Rome Local Group of Women in Aerospace Europe (WIA-E Rome LG) is glad to invite you to the interactive “Aperitif with @spacexenia: what is personal branding and how does it shape our lives?” The event will take place on the Zoom platform from 18:30 to 19:30 (CET) on 7th November 2022. The official language […]

WIA-Europe Rome: Aperitif with @spacexenia: what is personal branding and how does it shape our lives? Read More »

WIA-Europe Bremen: Workshop: Productivity and Journaling – III

As working women, we find ourselves responsible for looking after our career without losing contact with our personal life. WIA-E Bremen is inviting you to join the workshop on “art of productivity”, based on the experience of Dr. Sabrina Melchionna, who will share with us her method and suggestions in handling the daily, weekly, and

WIA-Europe Bremen: Workshop: Productivity and Journaling – III Read More »

Meet & Greet with Luisella Giulicchi

WIA-Europe at the IAC 2022: Meet & Greet with Luisella Giulicchi

WEDNESDAY, 21 September 10:00 MEET & GREET with Luisella Giulicchi>> We are pleased to have the President of Women In Aerospace Europe (WIA-E), and System Manager at the European Space Agency (ESA) for the Copernicus Program, present at our booth for a Meet & Greet. This year, Women In Aerospace Europe will be present at the 73rd

WIA-Europe at the IAC 2022: Meet & Greet with Luisella Giulicchi Read More »

WIA-Europe Panel IAC

WIA-Europe at the IAC 2022: Panel Discussion

WIA-EUROPE PANEL: A woman‘s journey across STEM and Space. During the panel session WIA-Europe Working Groups will present their activities and answer your questions. Join us for a discussion about career roadblocks and best practices to overcome them. Introduction Christina Giannopapa>> (EUSPA), Chair of the WIA-Europe Board Panellists representing the WIA-Europe Working Groups>>: Sabrina Alam>>

WIA-Europe at the IAC 2022: Panel Discussion Read More »

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