Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth


At a glance: WIA-Europe UK at the International Women’s Day Event

The UK Space Agency marked International Women’s Day (IWD) 2023 by hosting a panel event with some fantastic female leaders from across the space sector. The event, was organised by the UKSA Women’s Network and Women in Aerospace (WIA-E UK), that focused on the themes of IWD this year which is ‘Embrace Equity’, exploring some of […]

At a glance: WIA-Europe UK at the International Women’s Day Event Read More »

Entre galàxies: A new podcast from WIA-E Barcelona

El nou podcast de WIA-E Barcelona acostarà el sector a un ampli ventall de públic. Les converses amb diferents persones del món aeroespacial ens permetran explorar vàries perspectives per mostrar, així, com les referents es poden trobar molt més aprop del que pensem. Els dos primers podcasts són: Les dones que parlen amb els satèl·lits

Entre galàxies: A new podcast from WIA-E Barcelona Read More »


#FindYourSpace The use of space science and technology can be of benefit in various areas, reaching well beyond the aerospace sector, such as as aviation, maritime and land transportation, urbanization, mapping and surveying, human health, disaster management, food security and sustainable agriculture, environmental monitoring and natural resources management. An important task remains supporting and increasing

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At a glance: WIA-Europe UK at the Made for Space Conference Dinner

Members of WIA-E UK were kindly invited by Ann Swift, Space Sector Development Manager, of The Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) to a dinner the night before The Made for Space Conference held by MTC and Satellite Applications Catapult. It was fantastic to meet again in person and enjoy great food and stimulating conversation. We were

At a glance: WIA-Europe UK at the Made for Space Conference Dinner Read More »

At a glance: WIA-Europe @ the New Space Economy Expoforum 2022

From 1-3 December, Women In Aerospace Europe was present at the New Space Economy Expoforum in Rome with a variety of activities. We would like to thank Giorgio Saccoccia, Maria Cristina Falvella, Fiammetta Diani, Rodrigo Da Costa, Isabella Poldrugo, Dominique Tilmans, Claudia Kessler, Ersilia Vaudo, Pascale Ehrenfreund, Simonetta Di Pippo, as well as WIA-Europe Chair

At a glance: WIA-Europe @ the New Space Economy Expoforum 2022 Read More »

Thales Alenia Space – The people behind the success of the Artemis I mission

The Artemis I mission concluded successfully with the splashdown of the Orion capsule, a huge achievement celebrated in Thales Alenia Space: a mission full of memorable moments, tests and data, leading up to the Artemis II mission that will bring astronauts close to the Moon. And then comes Artemis III and the return of humans

Thales Alenia Space – The people behind the success of the Artemis I mission Read More »

Could you be the next Director of the Institute for System Dynamics and Automatic Control at DLR?

DLR is looking for their next Director of the Institute for System Dynamics and Automatic Control – could it be you? The DLR and the University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich have established a strong scientific cooperation in the field of system dynamics and control technology, which is to be further intensified. 20 professors and

Could you be the next Director of the Institute for System Dynamics and Automatic Control at DLR? Read More »

Call for applications: ESA Student Internship Programme

Call for applications: ESA Student Internship Programme The 2023 internship opportunities at ESA have been published! Opportunities are open for one month and positions are available in engineering, science, IT, natural/social sciences, business and administration services. This is your chance to kick-off your experience in space! Who can apply Students, preferably in their final or

Call for applications: ESA Student Internship Programme Read More »

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