Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

Transferable Skills Part 1: Commerce & Governance & Tech

14may1:00 pm2:00 pmTransferable Skills Part 1: Commerce & Governance & Tech

Event Details

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WIA-Europe Symposium 2024 Event

Learn about the challenges and opportunities in applying transferable skills to space-related roles, strategies for developing and enhancing transferable skills for space sector careers, and examples of successful transitions from other industries to space-related careers. Open to professionals from all backgrounds, this event offers value at every career stage.

Event Speakers:

Simonetta di Pippo

Simonetta di Pippo is a Professor of Practice of Space Economy and Director of the Space Economy Evolution Lab (SEE Lab), SDA Bocconi. From 2014 to 2022 she was Director of United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA). An astrophysicist by training (Sapienza Università di Roma), she was awarded with two honoris causa degrees, in Environmental Studies and a PhD in International Affairs. Author of ‘Space Economy – the new frontier for development’ and “The Moon, a lab for peace’ - Bocconi University Press. She served as Director of Human Spaceflight at European Space Agency - ESA, Director of the Observation of the Universo at the Italian Space Agency and led the 'European Space Policy Observatory at ASI-Brussels. She is an Academician of IAA (International Academy of Astronautics) and member of the World Economic Forum Global Future Council on space since 2016. In 2009, she founded Women in Aerospace Europe (WIA-Europe), and currently serves as its Honorary President, and in 2017 she became UN International Gender Champion. She is member of the governing committee of the Osservatorio Metropolitano of Milan, and from May 2023 she is a RINA SPA board member and chairs its ESG committee.

Charlotte Mathieu

Charlotte Mathieu is the Head of the Industrial Policy and Space Economy Division at the European Space Agency - ESA and member of the Board of the European Centre for Space Economy and Commerce (ECSECO). She was trained as an aerospace engineer, economist and in technology policy. She studied and worked in France, Sweden, the Netherlands, the US and Austria. She has 20 years+ of experience in the space sector and has been working for at the European Space Agency for the past 15 years. At ESA she worked in the Director General’s Policy Office, in the Director General’s Office for Relations with the European Union, in the Directorate of Telecommunications and Integrated Applications and now she is working in the newly established Directorate of Commercialisation, Industry and Competitiveness.

Zoom links to the events will be provided to all registered participants.



14/05/2024 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm(GMT+02:00)

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