Empowering all Women, in Space and on Earth

Join WIA Europe


Individual Membership



    (for students full membership fee is due only as from the year subsequent to graduation)

Each fee is valid from January to December each year.

You will receive a welcome letter from us with more information within a week and then you will receive an invoice from ClubCollect.


Benefits for Individual Members

As an individual member of WIA-Europe, you can benefit from a multitude of career-enhancing opportunities and contribute towards the achievement of gender balance in the aerospace sector.

WIA-Europe provides a variety of different activities to its members at all career levels, such as:

  • Training and professional development opportunities
  • Workshops with experienced professionals
  • Networking events
  • Lectures and panel discussions
  • WIA-Europe Grants & Awards
  • Benefits and discounts as agreed with our Partner Organisations

For any inquiries or to get support with the subscription steps, please email info@wia-europe.org


Corporate Membership



  • PLATINUM: 10.000€
  • GOLD: 5.000€
  • SILVER: 2.500€
  • BRONZE: 1000€
  • NON PROFIT: 500€

Each fee is valid from January to December each year.

Please contact the WIA-Europe membership team who will guide you through the process of becoming a Corporate Member.


Benefits for Corporate Members

As a WIA-Europe Corporate Member you demonstrate your committment to the advancement of women in the aerospace sector and maintain corporate visibility within the aerospace community.

WIA-Europe supports you with a variety of benefits:

  • Take advantage of WIA-Europe as a pool for aerospace professionals recruitment at all career levels
  • Establish a professional link with motivated and high-skilled women who act as role models to students an younger generations,  speak about their experience at public events, etc.
  • International inter-company network with women at all career levels
  • Access to special events and training courses with a special discount
  • Access to bias/gender gap research data and workshops
  • >>Corporate Communication & Visibility 2022

For further questions or to register for a Corporate Membership with WIA-Europe, please email info@wia-europe.org


Start-Up Membership



SMEs with revenue <2 million €/year

  • <10 employees: 100 €
  • 11-20 employees: 150 €
  • 21-50 employees: 250 €

SMEs with revenue 2-10 million €/year

  • <10 employees: 200 €
  • 11-20 employees: 250 €
  • 21-50 employees: 300 €

Each fee is valid from January to December each year.

Number of employees Annual membership cost (€) for SMEs with revenue <2 million €/year Annual membership cost (€) for SMEs with revenue 2-10 million €/year
<10 100 200
11-20 150 250
21-50 200 300

If your business meets one of these definitions, you qualify for Start-Up membership:

  • A tiny business or micro-business is a business which the workforce has less than 10 workers, and which either the annual turnover does not exceed 2,000,000 or the total of the annual balance sheet does not exceed 2,000,000 €.
  • A small business is a business which: the workforce has at least 10 workers and less than 50 workers; and either the annual turnover does not exceed 10,000,000 €, or the total of the annual balance sheet does not exceed 10,000,000 €.

Do you qualify as a START UP member?

If your business meets one of these definitions, you qualify for Start-Up membership:

  • A tiny business or micro-business is a business which the workforce has less than 10 workers, and which either the annual turnover does not exceed 2,000,000 or the total of the annual balance sheet does not exceed 2,000,000 €.
  • A small business is a business which: the workforce has at least 10 workers and less than 50 workers; and either the annual turnover does not exceed 10,000,000 €, or the total of the annual balance sheet does not exceed 10,000,000 €.

Benefits for Start-Up Members

As a WIA-Europe Start-Up Member you demonstrate your committment to the advancement of women in the aerospace sector and maintain corporate visibility within the aerospace community.

WIA-Europe supports you with a variety of benefits:

  • A 20% of your workforce receive free membership per year
  • A 25€ discount for other members
  • Opportunity to advertise roles on the WIA-Europe website
  • Logo on the WIA-Europe website
  • Access to the WIA-Europe corporate newsletter
  • Access to local and international WIA-Europe events
  • Access to WIA-Europe expertise and consultation services, including training, workshops, and advisory expertise

Please contact the WIA-Europe membership team who will guide you through the process of becoming a Start-Up Member at info@wia-europe.org




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