Awards & Grants
WIA-Europe has set up a WIA-E Awards & Grants Committee with 4 high-level personalities: The Committee reviews all applications and provides a recommendation to the WIA-Europe Board of Directors for approval.
The WIA-Europe Outstanding Achievement Award is an engraved statuette and an Honorary Membership, presented at the award ceremony.
The WIA-Europe Student & Young Professional Award is is open to individuals aged 21 to 35 who are registered as full time students at a European university or as young professionals in the aerospace sector in Europe.
WIA-Europe would like to encourage and support upcoming talent – young professionals and students alike – and for this we have set up a grants programme.
One of the main goals of WIA-Europe is to enable our members to fully realise their potential. To help them do this, we regularly organise training workshops and seminars on a wide variety of topics, with skilled and experienced trainers.
Our partners are regularly offering other award and grant opportunities, which you should not miss. Check our Calls & Challenges for current openings.

The WIA-Europe Outstanding Achievement Award is an engraved statuette and an Honorary Membership, presented at the award ceremony. It is presented to a person who has:
- Shown noteworthy achievements in or contributions to an aerospace related project or programme that represents a breakthrough or milestone in the aerospace field in Europe.
- Shown noteworthy achievements in or contributions to an academic/educational project or programme that represents a breakthrough or milestone in the aerospace field in Europe.
- Shown exemplary leadership abilities in the aerospace field.
- Served/serves as a role model or mentor who demonstrates dedication to the advancement of women in aerospace.
- Contributed positively to raise awareness and recognition of women in aerospace.
- An active commitment to the professional growth of women in aerospace.
There are no constraints on age, gender or nationality for the WIA-Europe Outstanding Achievement Award. WIA-Europe promotes diversity and as such accepts candidates from all nations, and encourages the nomination of men focusing on points 4, 5 and 6 of the above criteria.
The candidate can apply themselves, or can be nominated by someone else. All entries are judged by a committee of three WIA-Europe members and two WIA-Europe Board members. The entries must have:
- A completed, signed application form (available for download below)
- An essay of up to 500 words explaining the motivation for the nomination, including at least:
- The relevance of the nominated individual in the aerospace sector;
- His/her role in supporting women leadership and presence in the aerospace sector;
- His/her recognition in the international arena.
- The nominee’s extended CV
- A copy of a valid passport or other official identification document.
Student & Young
Professional Award
The WIA-Europe Student & Young Professional Award is €1,000 and is open to individuals aged 21 to 35 who are registered as a full time student at a European university or as a young professional in the aerospace sector in Europe.
Candidates may have a non-European nationality. Applicants must be members of WIA-Europe.
The award is presented to the student or young professional who writes the best essay of no more than 1,000 words that discusses:
- The relevance of studying and working in the aerospace sector and their view on their future role in this field
- What the candidate intends to do with the prize money and the experience to be gained through it, including efforts to share what has been learned
Candidates should submit:
- A completed, signed application form (available for download below)
- A copy of a valid passport or other official identification document
- An essay of maximum 1,000 words, in accordance with the guidelines provided
- An extended curriculum vitae
Six months after receiving the award, the winner must provide a brief report outlining how the prize money has helped her to advance his or her career/studies.
WIA-Europe Awards, Grants & Training
We believe in the importance of recognising achievement and celebrating individuals who strive towards their goals.
WIA-Europe would like to encourage and support upcoming talent
Are you interested in applying for a grant to attend an aerospace conference or workshop?
WIA-Europe would like to encourage and support upcoming talent – young professionals and students alike – and for this we have set up a grants programme.
The programme provides grants to cover attendance at aerospace workshops and conferences and is intended to support new and young colleagues with their first experiences in presenting a paper in an international context.
Applicants should send a short CV and the abstract of the paper they intend to present to the Board Assistant. Papers should be formally accepted by the conference in which they are supposed to be presented, and the letter of acceptance e-mailed along with the application. The size of the application package should not exceed 1 MB. Applicants should be WIA-Europe members.
WIA-Europe will acknowledge the reception of the application via e-mail.
Submissions related to all aerospace disciplines are welcome.
Successful applicants will be informed via e-mail. Along with the grant for the conference, they will also win a free one-year membership to WIA-Europe. WIA-E Grant winners will be requested to give a short presentation of their work at the next WIA-Europe General Assembly or event.
Want to participate? Send your application package to!
One of the main goals of WIA-Europe is to enable our members to fully realise their potential. To help them do this, we regularly organise training workshops and seminars on a wide variety of topics, led by skilled and experienced trainers.
Join WIA-E for in-depth discussions on the latest budget implications for the government and industry, as well as on personal success stories of current women leaders in aerospace.
Workshops and Seminars
Would you like to learn how to present yourself on camera, or do you perhaps feel that your networking skills could use some honing? Maybe you’d like to improve your communication skills, or get professional guidance on how to move up the corporate ladder?
WIA-Europe Events
All our trainings will be advertised in the events section, please check back regularly to see all the opportunities we offer.
Suggest a Course
Would you like to share your expertise and experience with the WIA-E network? Or do you have an opportunity in mind that you’d like to see implemented within the WIA-E network?
WIA-Europe Membership
All these subjects and more are on offer for our members. Please email us if you would like to take part in the programme.
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Awards & Grants Committee